BT Redcare to withdraw its service by August 2025: What does this mean for you?
You may have seen recent reports on the decision BT have made to remove their alarm signalling service, Redcare from the market by 1st August 2025. This means that by the cut-off date next year, anyone who currently uses monitored electronic systems, such as automatic fire and security systems using a BT Redcare signalling product will […]
Over the last few years, we’ve seen that change can happen overnight. We’ve experienced complications arising from Brexit, Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and most recently, the Cost of Living Crisis which have pushed many businesses into completely changing the way they provide services and trade. But what has all this got to do with underinsurance?
Is ‘finding your niche’ really the key to a small business enterprise?
Before you launch your business, you’ll no doubt have thought long and hard about what your business is; what it sells, how it sells it and crucially, who it sells to. Your target audience is essential. After all, it’s these customers that will dictate the fate of your firm, whether it flourishes into a larger […]